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Dogs- Emily Gravett

 -The book was produced on the 1st January 2010 

 - It has a strong use of watercolours 

 - Pastel backgrounds are used

 - The text is fairy basic, it doesn't really look like it has been designed at all

 - The style that the book is in is part photorealistic and part cartoon

 - Overall its a fairly simple design

 - The front and back cover is quite clever as the dog is spread across them both 






















Peter Rabbit- Beatrix Potter

 - The book was produced on the 3rd September 2009

 - It uses soft, light colours

 - Hand script font has been used which adds to the innocent nature of the book

 - The illustrations are hand drawn with realism, which is very current of the 30's style

 - The text adds imagery as it had been designed in a way that makes it interesting and fun to look at, for example it hasn't just been written in a straight line. 





















Night Time Story- Roberto Allaga


 - The book was produced in June 2012

 - The book has use of watercolours which are rich, realistic and vibrant 

 - It is very minimalistic as they isn't too much going on on the page

 - The style of the illustration is surrealist with realistic aspects

 - The imagery is very heavy, whereas the text is very minimal and secondary.


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